
Monday, December 9, 2013

Dates to Remember

December 10th- Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night

December 12th PTO Meeting

December 17th-January 6thWinter Break

January 7th - Students Return to School

January 10th- End of 2nd Nine Weeks

January 8thStevi Bs Spirit Night

January 16th Report Cards Go Home

January 20th MLK Holiday; No School

January 23rd Stevi B’s Spirit Night

January 28th- Skate Country Spirit Night

Teacher “TWEETs”

We want to remind you the importance of daily reading at home (RAH=Read At Home).  It is essential to continuing your child’s reading growth as it keeps them in practice.  We want to encourage students to continue reading, even on weekends and holidays. It is a great idea to expose children to different types of reading material.  Your child doesn’t have to read a story book every night, instead they may read a magazine, newspaper or even an online article.

Daily math practice is also a key part of a child’s success with math instruction.  It is important for students to practice their basic math facts continually.  These math facts should include some addition, subtraction, and multiplication.  A child could practice by doing flashcards, writing out math facts, drawing pictures of facts, etc.

We hope each family has a great holiday season!