
Friday, March 7, 2014

Teacher “TWEETs”

We are continuing our preparation for the CRCT by practicing test taking strategies. In addition, we are starting to review standards taught earlier in the year. It is of the utmost importance that your children be present at school each day. We have missed 8 days of instruction due to inclement weather. We have begun reviewing material learned earlier this year, but we are still teaching new material and will be from now until the end of the year. With that being said, if possible, please schedule all doctor and dentist appointments after school. We realize that this may not be a possibility for every student and that special circumstances will arise, but we would appreciate your help with attendance at this very critical part of the school year. Thank you!

As always, please feel free to contact your child’s homeroom teacher with any questions.                                      

            Third Grade Teachers

Dates to Remember

   Hat Day!!

Every Friday the month of March, students may pay $1 to wear a hat. All money will go to our SPED Department.

March 6th- McDonald’s Spirit Night

March 17th-21st  Book Fair Week

March 20th- Stevi B’s Spirit Night

March 18th - 2nd/3rd PTO Performance

March 22nd Spring Fling

March 24th Report Cards  Go Home

March 28th – Career Day

April 3rdMc Donald’s Spirit Night

April 7th – 12th  Spring Break

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year!

Hope you are having a restful break and joyful holidays!  We look forward to seeing you soon.
Students return to school Tuesday, January 7th.