
Friday, November 1, 2013

November Dates to Remember

November 7th – McDonald’s Spirit Night

November 19th – Skate Country Spirit Night

November 21stField trip to GA Aquarium

November 21st – Stevie B’s Spirit Night

November 25th -29th – Thanksgiving Break

November Happenings

As we have reached the end of the 1st nine weeks, we want to remind you how important regular attendance is to your child’s learning and progress.  It is easy for students to start falling behind if they are missing instructional time.  We also feel it is equally important for students to arrive by 7:50 to ensure they get their day started on time.  Please ensure your child has regular, on-time attendance.  We do understand sickness may arise, especially as we enter the Fall and Winter seasons.  If your child is sick, please contact Nurse Dawn Wale.  She can advise as to whether your child should be kept home.  Remember to send in an excuse for any absences.  It is important for students to remain at school for the entire day.  Please try to schedule any appointments after school hours.  We appreciate your consideration in helping your child have good school attendance.

We are going on a field trip to the Georgia Aquarium on November 21st. The cost of this field trip is $3. Please pay for your child as soon as possible. Unfortunately, we will be unable to take parents with us on this field trip. As always, please feel free to contact your child’s homeroom teacher with any questions or concerns.