
Friday, February 3, 2017

February 2017

Reminder:  Valentine's Dance is tomorrow from 6-8.  We hope to see you there!!!!

Time is flying by as the halfway point of the year has passed.  We have completed DRAs (Developmental Reading Assessments).  At this point in the year, students should be reading on an instructional level of 34.  Please check your child’s Monday folder to find their current reading level. A key part in your child’s reading success, is to practice.  Students should be reading every night for at least 20 minutes!
We are beginning preparation for the Georgia Milestones by practicing test taking strategies. It is important for parents to support their child by encouraging them to do their best. We do not want to add any pressure to students about testing.  We simply want to encourage them to do their best.
We are proud of our students’ accomplishments so far this year!  Looking forward to see what the rest of year brings for our students!
 As always, please feel free to contact your child’s homeroom teacher with any questions or concerns.                                       
            Third Grade Teachers,
                             Mrs. Reece, Mrs. Miller, Ms. Tansky,

                                 Mrs. Smith, Ms. Kell, Mrs. Eichler

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Happy November!!!

As we have reached the end of the 1st nine weeks, we want to remind you how important regular attendance is to your child’s learning and progress.  It is easy for students to start falling behind if they are missing instructional time.  We also feel it is equally important for students to arrive by 7:15 to ensure they get their day started on time.  Please ensure your child has regular, on-time attendance.  We do understand sickness may arise, especially as we enter the Fall and Winter seasons.  If your child is sick, please contact Nurse Dawn Wale.  She can advise as to whether your child should be kept home.  Remember to send in an excuse for any absences.  It is important for students to remain at school for the entire day.  Please try to schedule any appointments after school hours.  We appreciate your consideration in helping your child have good school attendance.

November 1st- Snack and Learn- Parent Outreach
November 7th Government Day
November 8th- No School/ Student Holiday
November 10th Skate Country Spirit Night
November 11th- Veterans Day
November 15th- Thanksgiving Luncheon
November 21st- 25th– Thanksgiving Break
November 29th- McDonalds Spirit Night
December 3rd-- Pancakes with Santa
December 19th-January 3rd –Winter Break

Third Grade Teachers

Monday, October 10, 2016

October is here!

We have lots of fun things going on in October, along with some important dates to remember:

October 6 - Spirit Night at Skate Country - 6 to 8 p.m.
October 10 - Fall break (enjoy time with your family)
October 12 - Report cards go home
October 14 - Family movie night at Sugar Hill
October 18 - Curriculum Night at Sugar Hill Academy 3rd and 2nd grade PTO performance
October 24- 3rd grade GA aquarium Field Trip
October 28 - Family Fit Night at Sugar Hill
October 31 - Halloween celebration and Character Dress Up day

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

It's our Fall Carnival Time!

Hello everyone! Fall is almost here and it is time for our Fall Carnival.

The Fall Carnival will be this Saturday, September 24 from 11:00-3:00 at Sugar Hill.

*If you are able to send in canned drink donations, yard sale items, or a Mexican dish, PLEASE let your child's teacher know.

We hope to see you there Saturday! It's going to be so much fun! :)

Thank you for all your support,
3rd Grade Teachers

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Welcome Back everyone!

We hope you enjoyed your summer break and are ready for a great year in 3rd grade this year!

Curriculum Updates: Math: We are learning how to round numbers to the nearest ten and hundred.
Reading: We are practicing how to find a just right book using the 5 finger rule.
Science: We are learning about Heat and doing fun experiments.
Writing: We are learning how to write a paragraph using topic sentences, details, and a closing sentence.
Grammar: We are learning how to write in complete sentences.

We are very excited for a new start to a successful school year! Please check your child's agenda each night and Monday folders for important information that is being sent home.

--Mrs. Reece, Mrs. Miller, Ms. Kell, Ms. Tansky, Mrs. Ware, Mrs. Smith

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

February is here!
Don't forget our Valentine's Dance is this Saturday, February 13th from 6:00-8:00 PM.
There will be refreshments, dancing, and lots of fun! $4.00 per person. You don't want to miss it!
We hope to see you there.
Image result for valentines day

Current Curriculum:
Math: Graphs and Measurement
Writing: Personal Narratives
Reading: Characters and Fiction stories
Science: Soil and Fossils
We are learning so much this year! Ask your child what they learned today at school :)

Upcoming Important Dates:
No School--February 15
Teacher Workday--February 26
Lunch/Learn--March 1

*Check with your child's teacher for SNOW day assignments. Most of the students have a choice board to work on IF we have a "School at Home" SNOW day.

3rd Grade Teachers

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Tomorrow, Friday, January 22, will be a "School at Home" Snow day. Your child should have their snow day choice board in their binders or homework/Monday folders. Check your child's teacher's webpage for further details. Stay safe and warm everyone! Have a great weekend. :)